Tumeke! Celebrating homegrown filmmaking on Te Pae 23-28 February
This week’s Te Pae sees the return of host of Mark Amery with Te Reo with Te Umu a riki, a celebration of homegrown film-making with The Pa Boys and its director Himiona Grace, and talents Tola Newbery, Miriama Grace Smith and Jack Cromie (shout out to Briar Grace Smith whose play Paniora opens in town this week!), Community Notices with Aliki, a Squawk from Justine Ward on behalf of Paekakariki Primary School and spoken word from Holly Jane Ewens. And lots of surprises to come! We broadcast 6-8pm in the evenings, 12noon to 2pm in the daytime at 88.2FM or on your computer device from www.paekakariki.org.nz. Te Pae is brought to you with the help of the Beach Road Deli, and produced by Rebecca Thomson.
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