Winter to Summer Programme 2020

With Mark Amery. The band that defined my adolescence before The Beatles got hold of it. Following our adage of No Hits No Misses we miss out the dozen songs anyone between the ages of 30 and 60 know and provide one hour digging deep into all 10 albums of a restless adventurous band with impeccable songwriting and inventive musicality.
Here for your on demand listening pleasure from Paekākāriki’s community radio show Te Pae with Mark Amery and Sam McLaughlan June 2020: Matty Johnson’s family have run the service station at the bottom of Paekakariki Hill Road for 28 years (his father is the late Ian Johnston). Matty worked the pumps from a young age and has now taken over the coffee business that started before his dad passed.
He’s also worked at Fly by Wire a long time – he was there when the 2003 flood ripped though the valley and destroyed the business, and created a fair few new waterfalls. Last year he got Fly by Wire back up and running, up the remarkable valley Waikakariki, which is a beautiful walk all in its self. Covid hit just as Matty says Fly By Wire was chocka, and they’ve now lost their international trade – but there’s half price rides for locals with this extraordinary flying machine.
With Aotearoa in lockdown Anzac Day in Paekākāriki has begun with a dawn service at letterboxes. We would usually gather to march to Memorial Hall for the roll of honour to be called, addresses and the Last Post to be played. This year we present our Anzac Day ceremony online through services past, remembering both the fallen and members of our community we have lost.
Here in a special Paekakariki 88.2FM broadcast online is a collection of recordings from past services and Anzac Day interviews with John Porter, Sydney Budge, Murray Hill, Kate Hill, Ian Johnstone and Colleen Kelly, presented by Mark Amery.
in a bit of a special we got on air locally and talked coronavirus emergency preparedness with Kerren Hedlund, got a wakeup call from Europe care of returning Fat Freddy’s Drop member Iain Gordon (who only got one gig of their tour) before going into isolation, and now in self-isolation with family Justin Corbett who is back from Sudan and missing having a pint at the local bowler. Plus some special coronovirus music! With Sylvia Bagnall and Mark Amery
This was a great show and I forgot to put it up until now. You can still get it 6 to 7 Tues March 3 or Th March 5 or 12 to 1 Weds 4th or Fri 6th. TWO SPLENDID INTERVIEWS with CORAL TRIMMER and MARY GOW – two wonderful musicians. Coral’s life story is a gem and she is still playing the harmonica incredibly well.
Even if you’re not in the market to buy records we’d love to see you this Saturday Feb 15 12-4pm at the Paekākāriki Bowling Club. The bar will be open, the BBQ will be firing and, while our dance that night is sold out, you get to boogie all afternoon. Your DJs on the turntables for the afternoon: Nel and Dan (Orchestra of Spheres), Appreciation Amery, Radradio and Mat Watkins.
And rather than competing for the airwaves, radio stations Paekakariki 88.2FM and Beach 106.3 FM are joining forces for the love of a music medium undergoing a revival: the record. Beach FM are selling the majority of their record collection, amassed over decades
The fair will have record dealers from around the Wellington region alongside locals with impressive collections to sell.
Paekākāriki Informed Community runs Paekākāriki FM and village website Paekākā
“It’s predicted that 2020 worldwide will see the sale of vinyl outstrip CDs for the first time since 1986,” says Mark Amery, who is organising the event with Vinyl and Proud DJs Val Little and Pat McIntosh. “Records have been having quite the resurgence. At the same time local radio stations are becoming even more community empowered by being able to access music digitally and broadcast online.”
Beach FM are moving their collection on because that music is now at their fingertips.
“We really love the idea that these records can find a home back in the Kapiti community that have listened to them,” says Beach FM Station Manager Tee Cameron.
Paekakariki 88.2FM is celebrating its seventh birthday this month. This community radio station has 35 radio shows hosted by community members and an active schools programme, with many budding young DJs. Co-organisers Val Little and Pat McIntish run Vinyl and Proud, a radio show dedicated to introducing people to a love of vinyl.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MARK AMERY 027 3566 128 [email protected]
This Sunday 9 February we kick off a new Paekakariki 88.2FM schedule – this should be in Paekākāriki letterboxes now and is below. Three news shows! Welcoming Andrew Armitage, Spencer Crocker and Christian Judge.
Love Design. Design Love
Wed 6pm & Thurs 12pm.Spencer Crocker and guests explore what makes good design, how to design with love and how design can change the world! In Prog We Trust
Thurs 7pm & Fri 10am. An introduction to the very best progressive rock over the decades. Oh my Prog, such great bands, such great music!Cinema Without Pictures
Fri 7pm & Sun 12pm. Andrew Armitage explores the vast ocean of soundtrack music and song from cinema. Variety, evocative inspiration and practical recommendations in sight and sound.