Water meters! And Te Pae 25-30 May
Water meters! Now that we’ve got your attention. Welcome to this week’s information of import on whatwill be served up this week on Paekakariki’s own community radio show Te Pae, from Sunday to Friday daily 12-2pm and 6-8pm (88.2Fm and streaming paekakariki.org.nz. And yes, the rumours are true the focus is on water meters. Are you ready to start being charged for your own water usage? Are there leaks in your pipes? This week at 6.30pm we talk to Ben Thompson from Council to get all the information particular to Paekakariki on meters and charging, and what you can do to be more sustainable with your water use, and after 7pm we speak to Community Board member Sam Buchanan and Maria McMillan, to tease out the local issues now we have them installed. We kick off the show with live music from Oscar Doorne, at 1/7pm we have Community Notices with Louise followed by Paekakariki School in the weekly Squawk slot. Our Spoken Word segment tonight is with Margaret June. And a happy second birthday to Paekakariki Trading.
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