Te Pae – St Peters Church 27 November – 3 December 2016
Built in 1908 St Peters Church has been a cornerstone of village life in Paekakariki for more than 100 years. On your community radio show Te Pae this week we celebrate its present and past life with a wonderful panel of people and hosts Mark Amery and Suzy Richardson and we have a live performance from the Polly Johnson Set. First up we are delighted to recognise the incredible community work of Margaret Griffith, who will introduce us to the upcoming markets at St Peters Hall for our squark. Margaret has been Worship Leader at St Peters for 34 years. For our discussion about St Peters we are also joined by new vicar Julie Rokotakala and parishioner John Anderson. Also on the show Mark Amery introduces the team and structure for Paekakariki Online, a web platform for the village currently being built. All this on Te Pae with the assistance of the Beach Road Deli 12 noon to 6pm daily on 88.2FM and at www.paekakariki.fm until November 6.
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