Te Pae April 26 2015 – Health in Winter, keeping away the winter blues
Tonight’s Te Pae issue is health, winter is coming what can we do to help prepare ourselves to avoid getting those winter bugs. We have Nicky Walker and Sally Foreman who both work out of the clinic in the village, also Diane Mills joining our panel. Tania Preston will be joining us for squawk to talk about quilting, Janet Holborow will be giving us our community notices. A very warm welcome to Justine Ward who has joined the Te Pae team, she will be coming in to share some music and ideas and Adyhatma will be starting us off with a 20 minute lie down meditation. Firstly though it was Anzac day on Saturday and Mark Amery recorded part of the ceremony. John Porter and Sydney Budge (Ngati Haumia) read the Roll of Honour, and Murray hill reads Binyon’s Lines with the Last Post from Russell Shipman.
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