Green Tea March 2015
This show first broadcast on 3rd March 2015. Click here to listen to the podcast: GREEN TEA MARCH 2015 SoundCloud
For my first feature this month I interview Sally Blackwell about her experiences as part of one of the member households in this year’s Greenest Neighbourhood season. We talk thermal envelope, pelmets, gardening and a developing sense of community in her neighbourhood.

Pelmet: A narrow border of cloth or wood, fitted across the top of a door or window to conceal the curtain fittings.
For my second feature, I interview Steve Bright & Stacey Gasson. They talk about their ‘Edwards’ solar hot water system, the pros & cons (are there any?!), and what it has done to their power bill. An added point of interest is that this system is coupled with a wetback for winter heating.
Avant Gardener Hannah Zwartz talks about preparing for the next round of planting. Winter crops are going in the ground, burn off any diseased plants, and prune fruit trees for shape, watering with rainwater. We hear about the Sustainable Home & Garden Show on 21st & 22nd March. Lots of great workshops on there – tune in for the low-down!
Playist this month includes:
Bjork, ‘Earth Intruders’ from her 2007 album Volta.
Beastie Boys, ‘It Takes Time To Build’ from their 2004 Album: To The Five Boroughs.
Title theme: Mardi Gras BB , ‘Down Down Down’.